I Just Had My First Shots. What Can I Expect Now ?
Yes, monitor, journal what you see & feel can help too. Also any differences in heat/cold, what you put on your skin may change too. You can have areas that act/react differently.
What Do You Use For Itchy Spots On Your Scalp?
Hyaluronic Acid shampoo did a great job for me. I used El Vive shampoo. It is a purple bottle. I no longer have PN on my scalp.
Anyone On Dupixent? How Do I Know It Is Working
Has Anyone Had Good Results From Taking Dupixant For Eczema?
Thank you!
What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Prurigo Nodularis?
I am grateful for finding this group. Great source of advice, information experiences and support. I feel safe here... safe enough to share one of my poems, for the first time in my life!
Happy… read more
Hello I’m Fairly New To All This And My Derm Has Me On Dupixent, But No Longer On Any Steroid Creams…. I’m Still Getting New Nodules. Does
Did you contact the dermatologist to ask if you can use an OTC or a dermatologist prescribed medication to treat the breakthrough nodules?
How Many Believe Some Vaccines Caused Your Pn And/or Heredity Played A Part Into Their Skin Issues Or Even Both?
I fully believe mine was a result of the ineffective Zostavax for Shingles, & my mom had some skin issues which 1 was Psoriasis. I believe mine was the ineffective vaccine as it was given after the beginning stages of my Shingles on my left lower back 16 yrs ago. Then almost 1 month to the date of vaccine I experienced the most horrible mosquito bite ever & told by the Derma who administered it barely looked at it & blurted out Eczema which the so-called Eczema spread. When I broke out… read more
I don't think it was caused by the vaccine since I had some sores long before covid. I do think I picked up a virus in my late 20s that the covid caused my immune system to lose effect. I have a… read more
Has Anyone Else Gotten Eczema After Using Nemluvio? How Are You Treating The Eczema?
Although I had high hopes for Nemluvio, it didn't work for me. Unfortunately, after taking my starter dose and first regular dose of Nemluvio, I now have eczema spots on my body (and itching). I have stopped using the drug. Now, I am trying to figure out how to get rid of the dry eczema spots on my body. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what are you using to treat your eczema?
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Seborrheic Dermatitis On Their Scalp Besides The PN And LSC
Thank you LuciBuchanan, but I decided to stick with the Neutrogena T-Sal as seriously that is the only one out of the hundreds, I have tried that agrees w/my diseased scalp! 🥰
What’s One Thing About Prurigo Nodularis That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
What’s that? First time i hear about it